I googled about it and I found this article entitled "Mind Control: Six Tell-Tale Signs Of Abusive Church Leaders". It was written by Ken Cascio the webmaster of the site. In this article, Cascio discussed the signs of an abusive leader. A false teacher will teach people about God to gain their trust and that he/she may look credible enough for people to follow him/her. Then he would teach total dependence on their group or church leader instead of God which is not biblical. He/she will later on use subtle techniques that will alter the way of thinking of the people. After gaining the complete trust of the congregation he/she is teaching to, the false teacher will create an environment of fear, where everything outside of the group is evil, and leaving the group is an act worthy of punishment. In this way, no one will dare to leave. Cascio also stated that false teachers are doing this to acquire power, one of human's darkest desires. They are like sheep in wolf's clothing.
Deep inside in every human is a desire for power. A lust to control. Who wouldn't want that? I mean, everything would be much easier if you could always get what you wanted and have your way. Thankfully, not everyone is clever and courageous enough to do this, but along the way they learn how. They become self-centered as they let their popularity be more of importance than the Good Word they are supposed to preach. That is why they start to do everything that they can to gain power over the people and alter their way of thinking. They inject fears in the mind's of their followers by twisting and perverting the truth of the Word of God. If you try to research about it, you'll find a lot of false teachers all over the world. I think, they're probably the reason why Christianity is being ridiculed nowadays.
"Deception is heavily used with mind control. Once the victims pass through the gate of deception and they accept the way they were deceived as rational for “the cause,” then they are set up to deceive others the same way. They become a slave to deception themselves by believing the end justifies the means. The lying isn't looked upon as real lying, since the lying is done for a good purpose; for “the cause” or “the truth.” Cascio stated.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
- Matthew 28:19-20
That's right! It is to tell the world about the Gospel. But, in this case, to tell the world about the deception made by a false teacher. Doing so, they also deceive others without them knowing. Like dominoes! They bring down each other.
This can be prevented if they only know the truth. The truth that can be found if they themselves study their Bibles, and not just take in every word that comes out from their deceptive teacher. Remember, do not believe everything that you see. It doesn't hurt to research and study for yourselves right?
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