January 31, 2013

3 - Characteristics of the Wolves

Everyone has their own characteristics to identify them and so does false teachers. Most people don't know how to identify them and thus, they end up being deceived. As a continuation of my last post, I decided to research the distinct characteristics of a false teacher. We need to know what these characteristics are for us to identify them.

While researching about it, I came across '7 Characteristics of False Teachers' by Thomas Brooks. Brooks discusses the characteristics of a false teacher in order for the readers to identify them.

The following are three of the the characteristics mentioned on the article of Thomas Brooks.

These teachers preach to please the congregation rather than to please God. Their reputation is more important than the Word of God. And because the people like what they hear, they don't complain or question it. Thus, they end up not teaching the truth.

False teachers turn their followers against the good teachers. The easiest to bring yourself up is to bring others down. This has always been a strategy. Using this, the congregation of the false teacher will believe that the good teachers are the bad ones.

They use Jesus or God's name when they utter lies. Lies such us false prophecy, false doctrines, false visions and false beliefs. Instead of teaching about the gospel, they rely on their own teaching and sometimes they make up their own doctrines too.

From the said characteristics, I conclude that false teachers are hypocrites who does not practice what they preach. They are liars who distort the message of the Bible and make up rules, which aren't Bible-based, that benefits only themselves. They are also selfish because they care more about their well-beings and the money that they  gain from their followers.

These kind of teachers exists. They are scattered all over the world bringing people down with their selfish ways.

After researching about these false teachers. I came up with a question that I hope to be answered as I continue with this blog.

How does false teacher use religion to control people?

Until next time! 

January 27, 2013

2 - Wolve's in Sheep's Clothing

Have you ever heard of the term 'false teachers' and 'false prophets'? Who are they? Well, these people can be found around the world. They use religion or Christianity to bait people into following them. Sadly, a lot of people bite into it because they don't know the truth. They don't know how to discern a good teacher from a false one. As a result of following the wrong person, they suffer, they're robbed of their wealth, they're led into bad habits and they become lost in their goals. Many have been deceived and many more will be deceived. So, how can we identify them?

I googled about it and I found this article entitled "Mind Control:  Six Tell-Tale Signs Of Abusive Church Leaders". It was written by Ken Cascio the webmaster of the site. In this article, Cascio discussed the signs of an abusive leader. A false teacher will teach people about God to gain their trust and that he/she may look credible enough for people to follow him/her. Then he would teach total dependence on their group or church leader instead of God which is not biblical. He/she will later on use subtle techniques that will alter the way of thinking of the people. After gaining the complete trust of the congregation he/she is teaching to, the false teacher will create an environment of fear, where everything outside of the group is evil, and leaving the group is an act worthy of punishment. In this way, no one will dare to leave. Cascio also stated that false teachers are doing this to acquire power, one of human's darkest desires. They are like sheep in wolf's clothing.

Deep inside in every human is a desire for power. A lust to control. Who wouldn't want that? I mean, everything would be much easier if you could always get what you wanted and have your way. Thankfully, not everyone is clever and courageous enough to do this, but along the way they learn how. They become self-centered as they let their popularity be more of importance than the Good Word they are supposed to preach. That is why they start to do everything that they can to gain power over the people and alter their way of thinking. They inject fears in the mind's of their followers by twisting and perverting the truth of the Word of God. If you try to research about it, you'll find a lot of false teachers all over the world. I think, they're probably the reason why Christianity is being ridiculed nowadays.

"Deception is heavily used with mind control.  Once the victims pass through the gate of deception and they accept the way they were deceived as rational for “the cause,” then they are set up to deceive others the same way.  They become a slave to deception themselves by believing the end justifies the means.  The lying isn't looked upon as real lying, since the lying is done for a good purpose; for “the cause” or “the truth.” Cascio stated.

These false teachers are also the deception-makers. They use the Word of God to appeal to people. This is their disguise. Little by little, they start to pervert the truth and twist it for their benefits and the followers start to believe in it. What happen next? Well, they follow the great commission in the Bible.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." 
- Matthew 28:19-20

That's right! It is to tell the world about the Gospel. But, in this case, to tell the world about the deception  made by a false teacher. Doing so, they also deceive others without them knowing. Like dominoes! They bring down each other.

This can be prevented if they only know the truth. The truth that can be found if they themselves study their Bibles, and not just take in every word that comes out from their deceptive teacher. Remember, do not believe everything that you see. It doesn't hurt to research and study for yourselves right?

January 20, 2013

1 - The Plurarity of Religion

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When I was in high school, we have this subject where Catholics and non-Catholics has to attend separate class. The subject is called Religious Education (REED). Maybe it is really necessary for the school to do this. People with the same beliefs are grouped together so as not to make offenses to each other. Things like that cannot be avoided. There will always be a time where beliefs clash with each other. Doesn't it make you wonder why there are several religions when in fact, each one of them teach the same thing about having one God?

As I was searching about this topic, I came across a review by Burl Barer about the book called "Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm" written by Dr. Udo Schaefer. Barer pretty much quoted a lot of important parts in the book. In the review, he mentioned how Dr. Schaefer described religion as a  plurality and a 'colorful variety' which always irritate a lot of people. He, Dr. Schaefer, also analyzed the old paradigm wherein each religion traditionally claims "uniqueness, finality and exclusivity". These claims led to the intolerance of each religion to each other as they claim their own absolute truth. Evidences of this can be found throughout the history. According to Wikipedia, among 1763 documented wars, 7% of it have been classified to be involved in religious conflicts.

To be honest, I, myself, am not a fan of religion. I agree with what Dr. Schaefer states in his book. Religion has been one of the reasons why a lot of people go against each other. Some religions have doctrines that contradict another religion. If every religion claims finality or superiority to another, then the differences in their doctrines and teachings will be the main roots of their conflicts. That is where intolerance or 'fanaticism', as Dr. Schaefer calls it, become the problem. These differences in beliefs make followers a certain religion turn against each other. What if a leader of a certain religion says, "Everyone that belongs and a member of us are the only one that will be saved and go to heaven."? For sure, that'll cause the followers say to others, who does not belong in their religion, that they will go hell and never be save. It'll probably hurt and disrespect others beliefs and faith. Thus, this is where the hatred to each other begins.

Writes Dr. Schaefer: "Religions are in many ways similar, and yet they are so different; there is much which unites them, but also much which divides them. This is indeed irritating. All the world religions teach that there is only one ultimate reality, which we call God. If that is so, there can logically only be one truth: But if there is only one truth, why are there so many religions?"

Different Symbols of Different Religions

Another thing Dr. Shaefer points out is why there's a lot of religion when all of them teach 'only one ultimate reality, which we call God'. I believe that it is us, the humans, who created this diversed religions. That it those who are responsible are the ones who divides us. Why is it necessary? Obviously, we all know that there was a time where religion, such as the Roman Catholic, held the same power as the government. This happened in the Philippines. The Spaniards introduce us to Christianity and later on, they used this to gain control over the Filipinos. At that time, government officials always listened to what the church says. That's just one evidence how much power religion used to hold

In the present, there is a blurry line between religion and mind control. We're not sure if what is being taught to us is purely the truth. So much has changed ever since a lot religion showed up. Even the Bible which is the basis of Christian teachings might have been twisted for all we know. There's even a news about a man claiming to be a messenger of God. He used this as a cover to diguise his motives of robbing the people with their money. That is why I encourage everyone of you to filter everything because if you didn't you'll just become a mere puppet.

January 15, 2013

Introduction: Religion and Mind Control

In the real world, I am the person who just sits silently in a corner or  stare through the window. I'm the one who quietly observes people and wonders what is life's like in their perspective. I'm also the person who fascinates at the beauty of the creations that my Maker (and yours too) made. I guess, I'm simply just another introvert girl you'll meet. My name is Michelle Rose Suniga and I hope that you'll lend me some time to read what this introvert girl has to say.