April 8, 2013

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1

A.    Background of the Study

How can we classify one group as a religion? Is it having a faith or belief that makes one a religion? If it is, then is agnostic belief a faith? Or is atheism a faith? According to Emile Durkheim, religion is defined as ‘unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things’. On the other hand, the Merriam Webster defined religion as ‘a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith’. If we base the definition of religion on it then, almost everything that has a system of beliefs that is devoted to a higher being can be classified as religion.

 Around the world, there are 21 major religions. Each of these religions is divided into different categories like Christianity and Islam. Under Christianity, there are Catholicism and Protestantism which also have sub categories. As time passes, the division in religion and their subcategories goes on and on. Most of them share one goal – being Christ-like and following the word of God. Though, they also have their differences in terms of doctrines, rules or laws, Do’s and Don’ts; and beliefs. These differences are the main reason why some religions go against each other. Some religion claims that their ways are the only absolute truth. Thus, it makes one religion intolerant of the other. Evidences of this can be found throughout the history. There were wars started by conflicts between religions, and there are genocides because of religious prejudice. If religion was able to start wars and genocides, then maybe, religion has power over its followers.

Religion is one of the many ways to impose power and control over a group of people.  It is the department in the society that is assigned to teach people of morals and values.  They shape the characters and views in life of a person to become a better man for the society. This also means that they can mold the way a person think and make decisions.  Some people who are clever enough abuse this knowledge. They are called as false teacher or false prophets.

False Teachers or False Prophets are those people who use religion to gain benefits for their selfish reasons.  The article “Mind Control:  Six Tell-Tale Signs Of Abusive Church Leaders” written by Ken Ciasco describes what these false teachers are and their motives. According to Ciasco, false teachers teach and preach about God to people in order for them to gain trust and become credible enough for the people to believe him. Some even create their own doctrines which is unbiblical. They twist and distort the truths with their cunning and deceptive lies. These lies are disguised as the truth and that these ‘truths’ are said to be according to the Word of God. (Source: http://www.wickedshepherds.com/MindControl.html)
However, false teachers may not be the only ones who manipulate people or the society. It can be the belief system of a religion and not the faith. An example of this is the bloc voting of Inglesia ni Cristo during elections in the Philippines. Bloc voting is one of their oldest traditions and is also a big issue in the Philippines during election periods.

 A news article, entitled “No politics, just bloc vote, says INC member”, by Gil C. Cabacungan reported about speculations on whether a politician is trying to gain the favor of an INC official  or not. An INC official defended themselves of these.

“Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) votes as a herd in elections, but it never dips its fingers in politics, a member of the religious sect said Sunday” (Cabacunangan, 2012)

““Religious leaders can preach, they can give spiritual guidance, they can comment on moral matters, they should convert sinner politicians and lead them to the path of goodness. But it’s unholy behavior if they use the sacred power of their church or sect to impose their dogmas on how leaders draft, debate, and vote on public policies,” said Kabataan Rep. Raymond Palatino.” (Cabacunangan, 2012)

For them, this tradition is done to abide to their laws or rules, but from an outsiders point of view, this can be interpreted as a way manipulation by intervening in the country’s election.

Religion holds great power. It has always been a need for people. Religion reinforces the beliefs of an individual, gives assurance and provides hope. It also answers and gives solution to question and problems that cannot be explained by plain logic and science. Since most people are already familiar with these pros of the religion to the society, I decided to research about the cons – religion’s power to manipulate people.

This study aims to provide factual examples or evidences of different ways religion affects the decision-making of the society or a group of people. 

B.    Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer this question

1.    In what ways can religion be use to control or manipulate people?

C.    Significance of the Study

Church Goers
This study aims to inform about the manipulative side of religion. With a better understanding and knowledge of this topic, the researcher hopes to open a new perspective  which can convince these church goers to filter what the church leader says and study for themselves the Word of God.

Religious People
As these are the people who are very much involved in religious activities and who are the most obedient to various religious leaders, they are also the ones who are prone to being controlled or manipulated easily. Information gathered and formed in this study, which will require open-mindedness, hopes to open the eyes of these people to the motives and controlling side of religion.

Information presented in this research paper may add or contribute to one’s own knowledge about religion. It may also give them new insights on religion.

Future Researchers
This research paper may be a good source of reference for future studies and research papers related to this topic. Since there are still a lot of areas this research paper will not cover, future researchers can use the information and data in this study to further widen this research paper.

D. Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses on the effects of religion to the society and the ways people use it to control or manipulate people. The researcher will also assume that anything that has a system of belief is considered as a religion.            

Due to a limited amount of time, this research paper will not discuss topics such as false religions or debate the existence of God or any higher being; or debate any other social issues mention. Also, this study will focus more on monotheism religions.

E. Methodology

This research will use the descriptive method for the study aims to describe and explain the ways religion can be used to control or manipulate people. It will also discuss the effects of religion to the society and the culture of Filipinos.

Most information presented in this study is mainly gathered through online sources.

F. Definition of Terms

Religion – It is a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.

Mind Control – The act of changing a person’s beliefs, conviction and attitudes by the means of concentrated persuasion. 

Manipulate – To skillfully cause a person to behave the way you want

False Teachers or False Prophets – The persons or people who teach about God and distort the Word of God to gain personal benefits such as money and power.

Bloc Voting – It is when a group of individuals to vote as one.

Christianity a monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament.

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