April 8, 2013

Chapter 3 - Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations

Chapter 3


This research attempted to identify the ways that religion can be used to control or manipulate people.
The researcher used the descriptive method in this study wherein various compiled data and articles found over the internet are presented to answer the research question posed. Also, the researcher filtered all the information in order to avoid digressing from the topic. The research findings are the following:

1.       Religion is a necessity to the society.
2.      Morals and conducts stems out from religious beliefs and it set the standards between right and wrong.
3.      Religions gives man a positive perspective on life and sometimes their belief changes them to become a better person.
4.      An influential person can use religion for his own benefit by causing them to act according to his own ideals,beliefs, opinion and values.
5.      Religion is abused by people who use it to make money from the followers or the congregation.
6.      There also some cases where certain systems of beliefs of a religion force the followers to act according to it, even if it is not intended to manipulate people.
7.      Religion divides people because of the differences of beliefs and traditions.
8.      Being too religious can be bad for an individual because some people might take advantage of them.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1.       Religion plays an important role in our society. It reminds us of the values and morals we have to apply daily in our life. To some people, religion gives hope, comfort and strength especially at times when faced with life’s adversities. It also gives a reason and a purpose to live; and a desire to make the world a better place. Lastly, religion gives people a better view of life that make them change into a better person.
2.      Because religion can affect an individual’s way of thinking, it is a great tool to manipulate and control a person’s belief, opinion, and decision-making. There are influential people who appeal to people through religion, and there are also those who use religion to gain benefits for their self-interests. On the other hand, systems of beliefs can also be used to control people because rules force them to act willingly. If one refuses to do so, that person might be banished from the group.


After drawing the conclusions, the researchers hereby makes the following suggestions or recommendations:

1.                 Be a filter rather than a sponge. Do not always absorb everything a religion says. They are just guides that will help you learn more about God. You have the freedom to study and understand for yourself the teachings in the Bible. In fact, it is the same book where all the messages of the pastors and priest comes from.  

2.                People who use religion to take advantage of others do exist. In order to avoid being taken advantage of, the researcher highly encourages the people  to choose carefully who to follow.

3.                Future researchers may use other methods to expand this study. Also, they may research more on how religion can be a means of social control.


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